Har kuni 09.00 dan 17.00 gacha
Buxoro shahri, M.Iqbol ko`chasi 11 uy
every day 9.00-17.00 (except Saturday)
Buxoro shahar M.iqbol ko'chasi 11 uy
har kuni 9.00-17.00 (shanbadan tashqari)
Buxoro shahar M.iqbol ko'chasi 11 uy
The part-time (special part-time) department is headed by a head equal to the dean of the faculty of the higher education institution.
Head of Department:
develops a program for the development of distance (special distance) education;
concludes contracts with employers for the organization of student internships;
ensures the introduction of new teaching technologies and control over student learning;
coordinates and approves the topics of graduate work of students;
takes measures to increase the effectiveness of teaching and educational work with students;
organizes measures on labor pr Activities and responsibilities of the head of the external (special correspondence) department:
otection, technical and fire safety, compliance of employees of the department with the rules of internal order and labor discipline;
plans, organizes and coordinates the educational-methodical, scientific work of professors and teachers who provide the educational process;
protects and implements the interests of distance (special part-time) education at meetings of the Academic Council of the higher education institution, the rector's office, faculties and departments within its competence;
distributes professors and teachers who provide the educational process in correspondence (special correspondence) education to supervise the course work and graduate work of students;
provides interaction of the correspondence (special correspondence) department with other structures of the higher education institution.